
Kaim, Chelampai, Keli-kadam.

Mitragyna parvifolia



General Information :

•    It is a medium sized large deciduous tree with a rounded crown.•    Bark pale grey in color.•    Leaves dark green high variable in size.•    Flowers are fragrant, greenish yellow in color.•    Fruit capsule oblong with minute seeds, light brown in color.

Distribution :

  • The tree is found scattered all over India.

Habitat : Deciduous Forest

Soil : Well drained deep soil.

Soil pH : 5.5.-7

Altitude :Upto 1800m(MSL)

Rainfall :875–3250 mm

Temperature : 20 - 35°c

Terrain : Plains / hilly

Tree Characteristics :
  • Strong light demander and withstand water logging

Habit : Deciduous Tree

Planting Guidelines

Natural Regeneration :

  • It is propagated by seed during the onset of monsoon.

Artificial Regeneration :

  • Propagated byNursery raised seedlings.

Seed collection and Storage :

•    The ripe fruits are collected during April-June. •    The ripe heads are dried in the sun to separate the seed. •    The seeds are very minute and light, weighing 10000/gram•    Germination percentage is varies from 50-60%.

Seed Treatment :

  • No pretreatment is required.

Nursery Technique :

•    Broadcast fresh seeds in mother bed using well pulverised sandy loam soil. •    The seed is mixed with sand or ash ensure uniform sowing. •    The seed is lightly covered with soil, •    Watering is done with light spray. •    Germination starts in one month time•    Two leaf stage seedlings are priked out to poly bags and maintained in nursery.•    One year ols nursery raised seedlings are fit for planting.

Plantation technique :

•    Planting is done in July-August during the onset of monsoon.•    Pit size 30 cm3•    Spacing 3m x 3m or 5m x 5m can be adopted.

Care & Disease Control :

  • Regular weeding and soil working is essential.

Irrigation :

For proper growth and survival it is necessary to give one or two waterings after planting. This is specifically required in arid regions. Irrigation after planting is not a prerequisite in areas having sufficient soil moisture and precipitation. Higher survival rate and better rate of growth is reported when soil and water conservation measures are also adopted.

Recommended Harvest :

  • 20-35 years.

Yield :

  • Approximately 150-170 tons/ha.

Major uses :

•    The timber is usually used for building construction as planking and rafters, for furniture and agricultural implements.•    The leaves are rich in tannin•    The bark yield a cordage fiber.

Other uses :

Medicinal use :

  • In Ayurvedic medicine the bark of the tree is used for blood-related diseases.
  • In traditional medicine in the Indian subcontinent the bark and roots of the tree are used for fevers, colic, muscular pains, burning sensations in the stomach.

Market details :

  • Approximately Rs.1300 to Rs.2500/ton.